The core idea behind Hcombinator.
Systematized Scaling of Big Ideas
The quantitative analyst (quant) excels at computational finance. With it being industry standard to have someone analyzing data, metrics, algorithms, and math, to find asymmetric actions.
Hcombinator excels at computational humanities. More specifically, qualitiative analysis (qual).
Decentralized Idealism
At the ownership layer of the internet, things like Base, Zora, and Uniswap exist. While there are a plethora of startups trying to ascend the success-ladder, only a handful are winning twelve+ years in.
There are many overlaps among them, but the common denominator, for us, is that their leaders are eccentric and building their organizations on moral &/or ethical opinions.
"Base is for everyone." ~ Jesse Pollak
"We're going to make creators a ton of money." ~ Jacob Horne
"The Uniswap Protocol's code cannot be changed or modified and will run as long as the blockchain is functional, even if Uniswap Labs disappears tomorrow" ~ Hayden Adams
They are not neutral. In fact, their losing competitors are starkly unopinionted.
Corporate Agnosticism
In traditional capitalism this is the norm. Wall Street has preferred morally neutral companies. It is the rise of social internet that has begun altering this long-standing reality.
Offline, product market fit is the test of success. Things like Uber, though a software company, still sells a physical service. Nobody wants politically expressive, or morally opinioned strangers driving them. They want a safe ride.
Natively online however, products and services must compete beyond PMF.
It Comes Down to Brand
Hcombinator takes a systematized approach to what brand consists of:
- philosophy
- vision
- morals
- ethics
- value systems
- opinions
- arguments
- priorities
These are non-negotiable discovery points in qualitative analysis. Things that create ardent users of your blockchain (Base), application (Zora), or protocol (Uniswap).
Qualitative Analysis
Neutrality is not sustainable.
Thoughtless content is not impactful.
Memes are 1000x more than funny pictures.
Founders and ambitious startups must figure out what they believe in and thoughtfully design it within their products and services.
This is what Hcombinator excels at. Apply.